helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the HARDCORPS\ntraining facility where you can\ntest out the weapons, get familiar with\nthe game interface and learn how to play SIN.\""
actionitem "centerprint \" Not Available\nin Demo Version.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the HARDCORPS\ntraining facility where you can\ntest out the weapons, get familiar with\nthe game interface and learn how to play SIN.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the credits screen\nso that you can see who worked on SIN.\n\nSIN was developed by Ritual Entertainment.\""
actionitem "centerprint \"\n SIN\n\n\n Developed by:\n\n Ritual Entertainment \""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the Logon or Quit\nselection screen. If you wish to logon\nas a new user and load up a new configuration\nfile, this would be the option to use.\""
selitem "fade 0.7 oxl 90 oyt -343 picn menuop_controls_1 oxl 390 yv -30 type 1 string \"Modify your audio,\nvideo, game and\nplayer control\nsettings...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the game\ncontrols menu where you can adjust your video,\ngame, player controls or audio settings.\""
selitem "fade 0.7 oxl 241 oyt -396 picn menuop_loadgame_1 oxl 390 yv -30 type 1 string \"Load a previously\nsaved game...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will bring up a saved\ngames selection screen where you can\nload up and continue to play any\npreviously saved game.\""
actionitem "centerprint \" Not Available\nin Demo Version.\""
selitem "fade 0.7 oxl 241 oyt -396 picn menuop_loadgame_1 oxl 390 yv -30 type 1 string \"Load a previously\nsaved game...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will bring up a saved\ngames selection screen where you can\nload up and continue to play any\npreviously saved game.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the multiplayer\nmenu where you can select the character\nyou will play, your players name, the uniform\ntype, and start or join a multiplayer game.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"Monsters do normal damage and are more\naccurate. A challenging level for\nexperienced action game players.\nCould there be another skill level?\""
selitem "fade 0.7 oxl 37 oyt -413 picn menuop_join_multi_1 oxl 390 yv -30 type 1 string \"Join a Multiplayer\nnetwork game...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the join\nmultiplayer game screen where you can\nsearch for multiplayer servers that you\ncan join in on and have fun fragging.\""
selitem "fade 0.7 oxl 107 oyt -224 picn menuop_multi_psetup_1 oxl 390 yv -30 type 1 string \"Set up and configure\nMultiplayer options...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the multiplayer\nsetup screen where you can select the\ncharacter that you will play in deathmatches,\ncustomize your players name, and select the\nuniform type for your character.\""
selitem "fade 0.7 oxl 178 oyt -415 picn menuop_start_multi_1 oxl 390 yv -30 type 1 string \"Start a Multiplayer\nnetwork game...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option takes you to the start\nmultiplayer game setup screen where you\ncan modify the options for any game and\ncan then begin a multiplayer server.\""
headeritem "fc 1 1 1 1 jcx oyt -120 string \"STARTING A NETWORK SERVER\""
listitem con_gametype 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 110 oyt -150 string \"Game Type:\" xv 0 drawlist \"numchars 14 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" Deathmatch" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 110 oyt -150 cursor string \"Game Type:\" xv 0 drawlist \"numchars 14 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -106 boxtext \"This is a list of the game play\nmodes available in SIN.\""
deathmatchinfo_listitem con_map 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 110 oyt -170 string \"Select Map:\" xv 0 drawlist \"numchars 24 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 110 oyt -170 cursor string \"Select Map:\" xv 0 drawlist \"numchars 24 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -106 boxtext \"This is a list of the DM Levels\navailable in SIN. You use the left\nand right arrow keys to scroll through\nthe list of levels.\n\nNOTE: Press Enter to view the Map information.\""
actionitem "dminfo"
headeritem "fc 0.53 0.53 0.83 1 oxl 120 oyt -180 string \"[Press to view the map information.]\""
listitem df_falldam 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Falling Damage:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitset 3 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitclear 3 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Falling Damage:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
//helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if falling will cause\ndamage during game play.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if falling will cause\ndamage during game play.\""
listitem df_weapstay 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Persistent Weapons:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitclear 2 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitset 2 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Persistent Weapons:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if weapons will always\nremain. If set to NO, the weapon will\ndisappear for a specific amount of time before\nit re-appears.\""
listitem df_weapswitch 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Weapon Switching:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 9 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Normal" "bitclear 12 dmflags"
" Instant" "bitset 12 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Weapon Switching:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 9 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if your weapon switches\ninstantly (the weapons pop-up) or if it will\nperform the full switching weapons animation.\""
listitem df_allowhealth 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Allow Health:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitset 0 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitclear 0 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Allow Health:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if health items will\nbe allowed during game play.\""
listitem df_allowarmor 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Allow Armor:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitset 11 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitclear 11 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Allow Armor:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if armor items will\nbe allowed during game play.\""
listitem df_allowpowerups 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Allow Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Allow Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if powerups will\nbe allowed during game play.\""
listitem df_allowpowerups 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Allow Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitclear 1 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitset 1 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Allow Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if powerups will\nbe allowed during game play.\""
listitem df_instpowerups 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Instant Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Instant Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if powerups will be\nactivated instantly during game play.\""
listitem df_instpowerups 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Instant Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitclear 4 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitset 4 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Instant Powerups:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if powerups will be\nactivated instantly during game play.\""
listitem df_infiniteammo 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Infinite Ammo:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Infinite Ammo:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if weapons have infinite\nammunition (never runs out) during game play.\""
listitem df_infiniteammo 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Infinite Ammo:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" ""
" Yes" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Infinite Ammo:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if weapons have infinite\nammunition (never runs out) during game play.\""
listitem df_forcesp 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Force Respawn:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitclear 10 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitset 10 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Force Respawn:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if any player is\nforced to respawn after dying. If turned off,\nafter 10 seconds the player will be treated\nto a ride around the level allowing them to\nsee the other game action taking place.\""
listitem df_spawnfar 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Spawn Farthest:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Spawn Farthest:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle whether the server\nspawns a player farther away to ensure more\nfair game play.\""
listitem df_spawnfar 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Spawn Farthest:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitclear 9 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitset 9 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Spawn Farthest:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle whether the server\nspawns a player farther away to ensure more\nfair game play.\""
listitem df_samemap 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Same Map:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Same Map:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if the server stays on\nthis map when it restarts or whether it cycles\nthrough a list of maps.\""
listitem df_samemap 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Same Map:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "bitclear 5 dmflags"
" Yes" "bitset 5 dmflags"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Same Map:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if the server stays on\nthis map when it restarts or whether it cycles\nthrough a list of maps.\""
listitem df_allowexit 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Allow Exit:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Allow Exit:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if the server allows\nanyone to exit the level during game play.\nIf allowed it will end the current map and\nstart up the next map (if any are set).\""
listitem df_allowexit 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Allow Exit:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" ""
" Yes" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Allow Exit:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will toggle if the server allows\nanyone to exit the level during game play.\nIf allowed it will end the current map and\nstart up the next map (if any are set).\""
listitem df_teamplay 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Team Play:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Team Play:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set which type\nof Team Play mode is allowed on this map.\""
listitem df_teamplay 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Team Play:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 3
" Disabled" ""
" By Skin" ""
" By Model" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Team Play:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set which type\nof Team Play mode is allowed on this map.\""
listitem df_friendlyfire 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Friendly Fire:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Friendly Fire:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set whether or not\nfriendly fire from team members will cause\ndamage.\""
listitem df_friendlyfire 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Friendly Fire:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" ""
" Yes" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Friendly Fire:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set whether or not\nfriendly fire from team members will cause\ndamage.\""
listitem df_fixedfov 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Fixed FOV:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Fixed FOV:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will set whether or not you\nallow FOV changes during game play.\""
listitem df_fixedfov 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 160 string \"Fixed FOV:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" ""
" Yes" ""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 160 cursor string \"Fixed FOV:\" xv 110 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will set whether or not you\nallow FOV changes during game play.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"You can set the name or 'nick' that you will use\nduring multiplayer games. This is so people\nwill know who to go after when you're beating them.\""
localdata "cvar name"
headeritem "fade 0.5 xv 70 yv -120 box 18 22"
headeritem "xv 20 yv -108 drawplmodel 0.4 0.55"
playermodel_listitem con_playermodel 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 110 oyt -210 string \"Character Type:\" oxl 130 oyt -230 drawlist \"numchars 30 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 110 oyt -210 cursor string \"Character Type:\" oxl 130 oyt -230 drawlist \"numchars 30 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This is the character or personality that you\nwill inhabit during multiplayer games.\""
actionitem "callback update_skinlist"
localdata "con_playerskin"
playerskin_listitem con_playerskin 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 110 oyt -250 string \"Uniform/Skin:\" oxl 130 oyt -270 drawlist \"numchars 30 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 110 oyt -250 cursor string \"Uniform/Skin:\" oxl 130 oyt -270 drawlist \"numchars 30 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This is what your character will be wearing\n(how you will be seen) during mutliplayer games.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option lets you modify any of the\nvideo options in the game. You can\nchange between software and hardware modes\nand turn options on or off to help\nspeed up the performance of the game.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option lets you modify any of the\naudio settings used in the game. You\ncan turn options on or off to help\nspeed up the performance of the game\non your machine.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option lets you customize the player\ncontrols used in the game. You can customize\nany of the keys and what they do within\nthe game.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option lets you customize any of the\nstandard game options for the game. Many of\nthese options modify how your input devices\nrespond within the game.\""
headeritem "fc 1 1 1 1 jcx oyt -120 string \"VIDEO CONTROL OPTIONS\""
listitem con_driver 2 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 oyt -150 string \"Video Driver: \" oxl 308 oyt -150 drawlist \"numchars 20 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 7
" Software Renderer"
" Default OpenGL"
" 3Dfx OpenGL"
" PowerVR OpenGL"
" Verite OpenGL"
" Riva OpenGL"
" ATI Rage OpenGL"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 oyt -150 cursor string \"Video Driver: \" oxl 308 oyt -150 drawlist \"numchars 20 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"Select from a list of software or hardware video\ndrivers to play the game under. The default\nmode is software so you will need to select the\nspecific video driver if you have 3D hardware.\""
listitem con_vidmode 3 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 oyt -170 string \"Video Mode: \" oxl 308 oyt -170 drawlist \"numchars 15 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 9
" 320 x 240"
" 400 x 300"
" 512 x 384"
" 640 x 480"
" 800 x 600"
" 1024 x 768"
" 1152 x 864"
" 1280 x 960"
" 1600 x 1200"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 oyt -170 cursor string \"Video Mode: \" oxl 308 oyt -170 drawlist \"numchars 15 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This allows you to set the specific mode or\nresolution that you will play the game under.\nThe default mode is 640 by 480.\""
listitem con_texmode 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 oyt -190 string \"Texture Mode:\" oxl 308 oyt -190 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 3
" 16-bit"
" 8-bit"
" Auto"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 oyt -190 cursor string \"Texture Mode:\" oxl 308 oyt -190 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This allows you to set the color resolution\nthat the game will use. 16-Bit has a higher\ncolor depth but may run slightly slower than\n8-Bit mode. Use Auto to let the computer decide\nwhich mode will be faster for game play.\""
listitem con_fullscreen 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 oyt -210 string \"Full Screen:\" oxl 308 oyt -210 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No"
" Yes"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 oyt -210 cursor string \"Full Screen:\" oxl 308 oyt -210 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This allows you to set whether the game plays in\nfull screen mode or in a window on your desktop.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This allows you to set how dark or light the\nscreen will be during game play. All monitors\nare slightly different so you may need to\nadjust this if the game looks too dark.\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This option will reset your video card to use\nthe current selections that you've made. It may\ntake a moment for the changes to be applied.\""
actionitem "function apply_vid_changes"
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 oyt -360 string \"Reset to Defaults...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 oyt -360 cursor string \"Reset to Defaults...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This option will reset your video card to use the\ndefault settings that we shipped with the game.\""
actionitem "function vid_reset"
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 oyt -375 string \"Advanced Video Options...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 oyt -375 cursor string \"Advanced Video Options...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This option allows you to adjust more specific\ngame play options. Many of these options can be modifed\nto help increase game performance on your machine.\""
actionitem "pushmenu advanced_video"
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 oyt -390 string \"Bring up Console Interface...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 oyt -390 cursor string \"Bring up Console Interface...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -90 boxtext \"This option allows you to go to the game console\nand adjust any of the game settings manually.\""
headeritem "fc 1 1 1 1 jcx oyt -120 string \"ADVANCED VIDEO CONTROL OPTIONS\""
autoheight oyt -130
//padding 10
listitem gl_shadows 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Character Shadows:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 3
" Off"
" Oval"
" Full"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Character Shadows:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to select the type of\ncharacter shadows that will be displayed.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar gl_shadows"
listitem con_unused 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Light Glows:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 1
" N/A"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Light Glows:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or\nnot light glows will be displayed.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
listitem cl_glows 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Light Glows:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Light Glows:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or\nnot light glows will be displayed.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar cl_glows"
listitem cl_lights 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Dynamic Lights:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Dynamic Lights:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or\nnot dynamic lights will be displayed.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar cl_lights"
listitem cl_particles 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Particles:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Particles:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or not\nparticles will be displayed.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar cl_particles"
listitem cl_tessellation 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Tessellation:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Tessellation:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or not\ntessellation of the world or objects occurs.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar cl_tessellation"
listitem gl_polyblend 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Palette Blending:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Palette Blending:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or not\npalette blending occurs. The blend is displayed\nwhen you are under water or when you take damage.\""
localdata "cvar gl_polyblend"
listitem gl_flashblend 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Effects Blending:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Effects Blending:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or not\nflash blend occurs. The blend is displayed\nwhen you fire weapons or from explosions.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar gl_flashblend"
listitem r_coloredlighting 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"8-Bit Software Colored Lighting:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"8-Bit Software Colored Lighting:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether colored lighting\nwill be displayed while in 8-Bit software mode.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar r_coloredlighting"
listitem sw_stipplealpha 2 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Software Translucency:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 9 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 3
" Normal"
" Stipple"
" Off"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Software Translucency:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 9 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set the mode in which\ntranslucency is displayed in software mode. Stipple\nis a pattern mode and is faster than Normal mode.\""
localdata "cvar sw_stipplealpha"
listitem gl_finish 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Sync Every Frame:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No"
" Yes"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Sync Every Frame:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option will cause the game to wait for the\nmonitor to refresh before drawing the next frame.\nWhen turned off, game performance may improve.\""
localdata "cvar gl_finish"
listitem r_lowdetail 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Rendering Detail:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" High"
" Low"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Rendering Detail:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle the amount of\ndetail (number of objects) that is displayed\nduring game play. A lower level of detail displays\nfewer world objects but will be faster.\""
localdata "cvar r_lowdetail"
listitem cl_detailmodels 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Draw Detail Models:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Draw Detail Models:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle the amount of\ndetail (number of objects) that is displayed\nduring game play. A lower level of detail displays\nfewer models but will be faster.\""
localdata "cvar cl_detailmodels"
listitem gl_texturemode 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"World Texture Mode:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 26 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 5
" Bilinear and Mipmap" "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
" No Bilinear and Mipmap" "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
" Bilinear and No Mipmap" "GL_LINEAR"
" No Bilinear and No Mipmap" "GL_NEAREST"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"World Texture Mode:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 26 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set the specific rendering\nmode used for displaying the environment in the game.\""
localdata "cvaritem gl_texturemode"
listitem gl_skintexturemode 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 100 string \"Skin Texture Mode:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 13 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 100 cursor string \"Skin Texture Mode:\" oxl 360 drawlist \"numchars 13 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set the specific rendering\nmode used for displaying the characters in the game.\""
helpdata "jcx yv 60 boxtext \"This option allows you to set the distance at\nwhich models are no longer drawn. If you decrease\nthe distance, game performance may improve.\""
helpdata "jcx yv 60 boxtext \"This option allows you to set the distance at\nwhich consoles are no longer drawn. If you decrease\nthe distance, game performance may improve.\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Dialog Volume:\" fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 378 drawslider"
// This will divide the menu value by 10 before setting the cvar
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set the minimum level\nthat the dialog will be played at.\""
localdata "cvardivide 10 s_dialogvolume"
listitem con_unused 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Sound Quality:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Low" "set s_khz 11; set s_loadas8bit 1; snd_restart"
" High" "set s_khz 22; set s_loadas8bit 0; snd_restart"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Sound Quality:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This will set the menu to 1 if s_loadas8bit is equal to 0
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set the sound\nquality level that the game will use.\""
localdata "cvarcond s_loadas8bit ifequal 0"
listitem cd_nocd 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"CD Music:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Enabled"
" Disabled"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"CD Music:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 10 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether\nor not CD music is available to\nplay in the game.\""
localdata "cvar cd_nocd"
listitem s_primary 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Sound Compatibility:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 20 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Max Compatibility"
" Max Performance"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Sound Compatibility:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 20 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set how sound\ncompatability will be handled in the game.\nMax Performance will maintain the game as\nthe primary sound user and will ignore\nother applications. Max Compatability will\nallow other applications to issue their sounds.\""
localdata "cvar s_primary"
listitem s_use3dsound 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Enable 3D Sound Hardware:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No"
" Yes"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Enable 3D Sound Hardware:\" oxl 378 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle\nwhether or not the game will use\n3D Sound Hardware support.\""
headeritem "fc 1 1 1 1 jcx oyt -120 string \"CUSTOMIZE PLAYER KEY CONFIGURATION\""
autoheight oyt -140
padding 1
binditem +attack "Attack" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 cursor xv -140 drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used for firing your weapon.\""
binditem +forward "Walk Forward" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 cursor xv -140 drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used for moving the player forward.\""
binditem +back "Backpedal" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used for moving the player backwards.\""
binditem +speed "Run" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to make the player run.\""
binditem +left "Turn Left" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to make the player turn to the left.\""
binditem +right "Turn Right" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to make the player turn to the right.\""
binditem +moveleft "Step Left" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to make the player step to the left.\nThis is also known as strafing left.\""
binditem +moveright "Step Right" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to make the player step to the right.\nThis is also known as strafing right.\""
binditem +strafe "Sidestep" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to make the player side step in either\ndirection where the mouse movement left and\nright controls the direction you move.\nThis is also known as strafing.\""
binditem weapnext "Next Weapon" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to cycle through the\nweapons that you are currently carrying.\""
binditem weaponuse "Use Weapon" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to change to any\nweapons secondary firing mode.\""
binditem +lookup "Look Up" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used for making the player look upwards.\""
binditem +lookdown "Look Down" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used for making the player look downwards.\""
binditem centerview "Center View" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used for centering the players view.\""
binditem +mlook "Mouse Look" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to allow the player to look around using\nthe mouse. When held down any mouse movement\nwill make the player look around.\""
binditem +klook "Keyboard Look" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used to allow the player to look around using\nthe mouse. When held down any keyboard movement\nkeys will make the player look around.\""
binditem +moveup "Up / Jump" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"The key used for making the player jump up.\nGood for jumping up to or over areas or traps in the\nenvironment.\""
binditem +movedown "Down / Crouch" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv 0 boxtext \"The key used for making the player crouch down.\nGood for ducking and hiding behind boxes.\""
binditem +use "Use" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv 0 boxtext \"The key used for picking up items, opening or\nactivating doors, accessing consoles, turning machines\non or off, cycling through cameras, or even\ntelling innocent characters to flee.\""
binditem invuse "Inventory Use" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv 0 boxtext \"The key used for using the current\nitem that you have ready in your inventory.\""
binditem invnext "Next Inv Item" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv 0 boxtext \"The key used to cycle to the next\ninventory item that you are carrying.\""
binditem invprev "Prev Inv Item" "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 xv -140 drawbind"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 xv -140 cursor drawbind"
helpdata "jcx yv 0 boxtext \"The key used to cycle to the previous\ninventory item that you are carrying.\""
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 130 oyt -360 string \"Go to Multiplayer Setup...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 130 oyt -360 cursor string \"Go to Multiplayer Setup...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"This option will take you\nto the Multiplayer Setup screen.\""
actionitem "pushmenu playersetup"
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 130 oyt -370 string \"Restore default keyboard only configuration...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 130 oyt -370 cursor string \"Restore default keyboard only configuration...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"This option will reset your configuration\nto the default keyboard players setup.\""
actionitem "stuffcmd \"exec defaultk.cfg\""
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 130 oyt -380 string \"Restore default keyboard and mouse configuration...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 130 oyt -380 cursor string \"Restore default keyboard and mouse configuration...\""
helpdata "jcx yv -100 boxtext \"This option will reset your configuration to\nthe default mouse and keyboard players setup.\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Mouse Speed:\" fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 338 drawslider"
// This sets the menu to the value of the sensitivity cvar
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set how responsive\nthe mouse will be during game play.\""
localdata "cvar sensitivity"
listitem cl_run 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Always Run:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No"
" Yes"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Always Run:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This sets the menu to the value of cl_run after it clamps it
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle whether or not\nyour character always runs when moving forward.\""
localdata "cvarclamp 0 1 cl_run"
listitem con_invertmouse 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Invert Mouse:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" No" "negate m_pitch"
" Yes" "negate m_pitch"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Invert Mouse:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This will set the menu to 1 if the m_pitch < 0
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to invert the\ndirection that the mouse moves.\""
localdata "cvarcond m_pitch ifless 0"
listitem m_filter 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Mouse Filter:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 8 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 4
" Off"
" Mode 1"
" Mode 2"
" Mode 3"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Mouse Filter:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 8 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This sets the menu to the value of m_filter after it clamps it
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to adjust the rate\nat which the mouse is interpreted. Each mode\nhelps smooth out the mouse data.\n\nThese are the modes: 0-Raw Input, 1-Averaged,\n2-Interpolated, 3-Interpolated and Averaged.\""
localdata "cvar m_filter"
listitem lookspring 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Look Spring:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Look Spring:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This sets the menu to the value of lookspring after it clamps it
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to set whether or not the\nplayers view snaps back to center after\nlooking around using the mouse look key.\""
localdata "cvarclamp 0 1 lookspring"
listitem lookstrafe 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Look Strafe:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Look Strafe:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This sets the menu to the value of lookstrafe after it clamps it
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to strafe left or right with\nthe mouse while holding down the mouse look key.\""
localdata "cvarclamp 0 1 lookstrafe"
listitem freelook 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Free Look:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Free Look:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 5 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This sets the menu to the value of freelook after it clamps it
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle the ability\nto look around using the mouse while playing\nthe game. Your view is not always locked forward.\""
localdata "cvarclamp 0 1 freelook"
listitem crosshair 1 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Crosshair:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 8 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 6
" None"
" Cross"
" Triad"
" Circle"
" Angle"
" Dot"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Crosshair:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 8 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This sets the menu to the value of crosshair after it clamps it
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to select from a\nlist of unique crosshairs within the game.\""
localdata "cvar crosshair"
listitem hand 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Handedness:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 14 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 3
" Right"
" Left"
" Center (Off)"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Handedness:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 14 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
// This sets the menu to the value of hand after it clamps it
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to select which side of\nthe screen your weapon is displayed on.\n\nNOTE: The Center mode turns it OFF.\""
localdata "cvarclamp 0 2 hand"
listitem con_unused 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"HUD Layout:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 12 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 5
" Bottom" "cl_hudfile hud01.hdh; hud_restart"
" Top" "cl_hudfile hud02.hdh; hud_restart"
" Left Side" "cl_hudfile hud03.hdh; hud_restart"
" Right Side" "cl_hudfile hud04.hdh; hud_restart"
" Deathmatch" "cl_hudfile dmhud.hdh; hud_restart"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"HUD Layout:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 12 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to select what area\nof the screen is used to display your HUD\n(Heads Up Display)\n\nFor Low Resolutions, left is duplicated\nand uses the top HUD and the\nright uses the bottom HUD.\""
listitem dialog 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Dialog System:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 17 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 4
" Off"
" Text Only"
" Speech Only"
" Text and Speech"
localdata "cvar dialog"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Dialog System:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 17 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to select what style of\ndialog system to use within the game.\""
listitem parentmode 0 "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 150 string \"Violence Lock-Out:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.2 green 0.2 blue 0.2\""
numitems 2
" Off"
" On"
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 150 cursor string \"Violence Lock-Out:\" oxl 338 drawlist \"numchars 6 red 0.25 green 0.25 blue 0.56\""
helpdata "jcx yv -160 boxtext \"This option allows you to toggle the violence\nlock-out on or off.\""
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 210 oyt -300 string \"Logon as a new user...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 210 oyt -300 cursor string \"Logon as a new user...\""
helpdata "jcx yv 60 boxtext \"This option allows you to re-select which\ndisplay and configuration file to use.\nMultiple people can use the same machine\nwithout overwriting their configuration files.\""
actionitem "function relogon"
menuitem "fc 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 oxl 210 oyt -320 string \"Quit the game...\""
selitem "fc 1 1 1 1 oxl 210 oyt -320 cursor string \"Quit the game...\""
helpdata "jcx yv 60 boxtext \"This option will exit the game and\nreturn you to the real world.\""
helpdata "jcx yv 60 boxtext \"This option allows you to create a unique user\nconfiguration to use while playing Sin. Just\ntype in your name and press Enter to start\nSinning. Multiple people can use the same\nmachine by creating their own unique user name\nand configuration file.\""